If it’s unused in the lab for more than an At 98 I Am Still Playing With A Full Deck I Just Shuffle Slower Shirt month you have to return it to central stock and request it again when you need it. And each line item has an overhead to establish in the system and monthly costs to keep it in. It reaches the point where it’s literally cheaper to throw stuff in the trash. And then order it again when you need it then keep it in the stock system. Or to say you threw it away and then stash it under the floor tiles. So you can get it when you need it to prototype something, the system is really. REALLY annoying when you’re in a prototyping lab and occasionally need to bash something together in a couple of days… It’s kind of funny. Big things get audited horribly, but we line engineers and logistics people have wasted our time tracking individual screws.
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This is the only thing holding me back from supporting “more government” in At 98 I Am Still Playing With A Full Deck I Just Shuffle Slower Shirt some areas… They are so incredibly bad at money management and accountability. At least in a competitive model, there’s at least a hint of pricing competition. And a sliver of an opportunity for someone to disrupt and drive down costs of these things. The difference here is that the defense market has really one main customer. Hiring retired generals, military personnel, and certain politicians after retirement keeps their business model a fairly closed loop with very limited ability for new firms to break in, given how high the barriers to entry are.
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