I couldn’t tell you what any Bastille Day France Flag Shirt purebred dog actually looks like. And I’d be hard-pressed to differentiate more than a couple of breeds in general. Like… I’m pretty sure I could point out a German Shepherd, a Golden Retriever, and a Doberman. Even a labrador I’d have to stop and wonder if the colors are different breeds or fancy names for different colors. I think this pretty close to what pugs used to look like before people started breeding them for flatter and flatter faces? Much cuter in my opinion. Also, he could totally do this though. Imagine supes laser melting a cube of tungsten and just spitting that shit at you. Given Superman’s obscene strength and the fact you’ve got tons of muscles in your digestive tract, it’d probably bother him about as much as swallowing a couple of pieces of gum would bother you.
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The molten lead up the nostrils into his Bastille Day France Flag Shirt lungs would probably be pretty annoying. But he could just fly into the sun to vaporize the lead and breathe it out. I’ve got Bull Puggle as well! He’s the biggest goofball of a dog I’ve ever had. Mine definitely does not have the beagle howl though. When he tries to howl it sounds like his inner pug is being exorcised. We did the same, wanted a pug but thought they were cruel, we got a Pugalier (pug and King Charles cavalier spaniel cross) and he’s the sweetest dog, ours Is also 14 and his only health complications are the usual old boy ones, bless him. They look very similar to puggles and it always sparks up conversation with another puggle/Pugalier owners on walks.
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