You are 100% correct. Many good Cute I Have Plans With Bailey And Puggy Shirt Americans do see this problem but a lot of them think the world revolves around them. I live in Canada, near the border, so I see it firsthand. If I say something, you get told to be quiet, you are a nothing country and we can take you over anytime. The arrogance has gotten much worse since Trump came in. People blame Obama, but Obama brought a little more respect around the world. My dad came from Italy, so he watches the news from there and England. And there are always segments about the USA and it’s not very positive.
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I recall watching the news Cute I Have Plans With Bailey And Puggy Shirt about the and violence going on in the streets in Israel, Palestine, Central America. People on streets with guns and burning stores. This is what America has become, on Donald Trump’s watch. Last week a 17-year-old kid walking the streets with a rifle killed 2 and shot 1. Yet Trump supporters defend him saying it was self-defense, yet he willingly marched into an area with a rifle. Americans are against everything, a simple thing like a mask but they hold the 2nd amendment above all. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
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