My mom rents a plot of land for growing organic I Am Proud To Be A Veteran And A Dad Shirt veggies as a hobby. Now, every damn year an army of snails invades her crops. She got so fed up one time that she spent hours collecting them all and then cooking them in a spicy stew. I got a chance to try it, actually. They were doing free samples at The Pepper Palace in Gatlinburg, TN. Now, I am an avid consumer of spicy foods – I eat ghost peppers just raw and cut up on whatever I’m eating (presuming the flavor combination would work). But this sauce……I saw God, or the devil, or maybe both. I had such an intense head rush after eating it. That I honestly thought I was going to pass out. I had to just sit on the bench outside the shop in the middle of the mall.
I Am Proud To Be A Veteran And A Dad Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt And Hoodie
But silently staring off into the I Am Proud To Be A Veteran And A Dad Shirt distance. While my wife tried to comfort me for about 30 minutes before I could muster up a single, squeaky “I think I’m okay now”. Also, shout out to my favorite tobacconist ever, Gatlinburlier, which is directly across from the Pepper Palace. The dudes in there I could talk to for hours. They’re one the only tobacconists with a license to make their own blends because it’s ridiculously expensive to get licensed for it. Plus, did you know it costs like $20,000 to get certified to sell your tobacco in pre-portioned baggies? Without dropping twenty thou, you have to portion it on the spot every time someone orders something.
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