I am always read your blog. Helpful and Informative blog. Thanks for sharing this I Do Taekwondo Kicking What Is 24 Your Superpower Shirt information with us. It is a great blog post. Thanks for sharing this information with us. Hi, am a high school graduate from Nigeria. Great Post! This is an amazing article. Thanks for sharing such a great post. It was not long after my conversion to Christianity. That I found myself getting swept up in the tide of religious sectarianism. In which Christians would part ways over one issue after another. It seemed, for instance, that there were as many opinions on the Second Coming as there were people in the discussion. So we’d all appeal to the Scriptures. It was not the Bible, but each one’s private interpretation of it, that became our ultimate authority.
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To my surprise, this “common sense” approach led not to I Do Taekwondo Kicking What Is 24 Your Superpower Shirt increased Christian clarity and unity, but rather to a spiritual free-for-all! Those who most strongly adhered to believing “only the Bible” tended to become the, most factious, divisive, and combative of Christians-perhaps unintentionally. In fact, it seemed to me that the more one held to the Bible as the only source of spiritual authority, the more factious and sectarian one became. We would even argue heatedly over verses on love! Within my circle of Bible-believing friends, I witnessed a mini-explosion of sects and schismatic movements, each claiming to be “true to the Bible” and each in bitter conflict with the others. Serious conflict arose over every issue imaginable: charismatic gifts, interpretation of prophecy, the proper way to worship, communion.
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