When I was growing up my grandma used to make this I Wish I Could Hug My Husband One More Time Leopard Shirt amazing apple salad dessert thing. I loved it growing up. One year I wanted to make it for myself as an adult and I asked her the recipe. Turns out it was just apples, mayo, and sugar. I was not expecting to see this but my god is it so fitting. Oxhorn did a video and iguana bits completely made from human flesh chunks. Maybe other pieces of iguana foods too. A lot of people enjoy Shark Fin Soup and maybe some don’t realize what the fisherman does to get the fins. Look up video if you want but they bring the shark on board, cut off all the fins, and chuck it back still alive to writhe and float and suffer.
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Biomagnification occurs with all I Wish I Could Hug My Husband One More Time Leopard Shirt piscivorous predators. Not condoning shark fin soup, just pointing out that all predatory fish consumption should be monitored as well for those that don’t know. I’ve seen this. There was this weird period in my old house, that every morning for a week, maggots would be wrigging across my kitchen floor. No idea where they were coming from. The trash bag was a fresh bag, no food left out, nothing random fallen behind the fridge or anything. Then I saw them jump. It was a bizarre and horrific week. Then it just stopped. Never happened again.
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