The problem is that Love Healthcare Worker Vintage Amerricans Flag Sunflower Shirt boxing has TOO many-body sanctions. And that itself requires multiple champions in a single division and for us as the viewers sometimes aren’t aware of all the champions and the up and coming fighters. Boxing organization has to start making the divisions more closer together by taking out all the sanctions and making just one champion for each weight class. Until then boxing is going to stay the same for that reason. Who are they in this conversation? No reputable sanctioning body or commission is going to give any of these freak show fights legitimacy just due to the simple fact both Paul and Mayweather were in completely different weight classes.
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Paul had an almost 40-pound weight advantage going into this Love Healthcare Worker Vintage Amerricans Flag Sunflower Shirt. There’s also the fact that Logan Paul isn’t a real boxer. That’s not a competitive fight. That’s why it was an exhibition. The smart money betting on Floyd to not knocked down. The only time in Floyd’s career that he “knocked down” was referee error, it wasn’t actually a knockdown. Logan never gonna hurt him unless it rigged. I’m honestly surprised there isn’t a major full-fledged boxing league with fully dramatic fake fights ala WWE. It’d be honestly better than these limp dick exhibitions cause at least it’d be entertaining to watch in some way.
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