If they want to go into details in Nice J’AI CRU QUE J’ALLAIS DÉPASSER 1M60 Shirt medical papers they can talk about la covid19 and le srascov2 all they want. But in real life people will always say LeCovid. T’as Vu la vidéo de linguistical Sur le Sujet? But covid isn’t a disease per se, it’s a virus. Therefore covid-19 is technically male. Well, when you see the glorious work the Academy does to teach English to us french. It’s expected to be ignored lmao. I once read an article on how the French still can’t decide whether Nutella is male or female. I’m French, never heard anyone use feminine pronouns for Nutella.
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That French academy is the group of Nice J’AI CRU QUE J’ALLAIS DÉPASSER 1M60 Shirt uptight stuffed shirts who want everyone to stop using English loan words right? Like how they want people to call the internet: “toile d’araignée Mondiale” (literally, global spider web). As a french speaker, I will honestly be shocked to hear anyone say “la coronavirus” or “la covid” due to how wrong it sounds, no matter the reasoning from the french academy. Because it’s language, in the end, whatever gets the most common use will become the officially approved version in dictionaries. It’s really not about any sexual concept of the word, it’s just word endings for mechanics and grammar.
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