It is stated that he could fluently communicate via the Official Flawless Marilyn Monroe Rose Shirt: like any language, sign language is complicated, and adults who didn’t grow up with deaf-signing parents need a long time to learn it (e.g. people who want to work as teachers with sign language medium students and themselves had no much exposure to the language before). It is also a language highly susceptible to dialects/ “accents” since signs for specific places, persons, etc are culturally based.
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His incredible language skills almost make him sound like an Official Flawless Marilyn Monroe Rose Shirt, then tried to switch to Czech Sign as part of his plan to live in Czechia? Or he had a wife or lover who was deaf, and he picked it up from them. I doubt he had a deaf parent, as he would presumably have been signing from infancy and then would have been fluent.
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This was my impression before I reached the Official Flawless Marilyn Monroe Rose Shirt with an impulse to live life according to his own code. When society betrays people I think sometimes they preserve a sense of sanity and independence by keeping secrets, telling stories – keeping things only for themselves. I think he might have been cremated as that’s the more common way of burial in CZE, therefore no DNA test could be run in the ’90s for example.
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