What a Pretty May The Force Be With You Shirt mindless carrot. ow, can you imagine the furor if the queen of England called her fallen troops losers? Or president Macron of France or Angela Merkel of Germany, you know, your allies, but your c in c does what he likes and gets away with it all the time, remember when he mocked the disabled reporter. made us a laughing stock worldwide. Edit: poor spelling. He told McCain he likes ppl that did NOT get captured. see the troll saying those things. God, I look forward to the day everything filled with this asshole anymore. Please let that be soon. There’s an actual video of him talking about McCain saying that he got taken prisoner as a loser.
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And that Pretty May The Force Be With You Shirt he doesn’t like losers. Watched it yesterday. Well, I mean, he definitely said it. It’s a video and you can just watch him say it. They always show his new tweets. They should show his actual tweets of calling McCain a loser more ppl would see it. So fox is now lying. I can’t even imagine those words about fallen soldiers coming out of my mouth. Fox News is no longer a legitimate news agency but has turned into a conservative propaganda mouthpiece for Trump and will go so far as to peddle his fake news and conspiracy theories.
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