At the end of the Hot 7 Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk Shirt fighting, only several thousand Muslims and Croats remained in territories under Serbian control. Most women and children have not incarcerated, but they were at the mercy of their tormentors. Men and boys were not as fortunate; many killed upon capture or later during incarceration. It was like World War II, but now instead of Jews, Muslim leaders, teachers. And professionals weeded out and executed by the Serbian forces. Ethnic cleansing achieved two objectives. So it created irreversible facts on the ground and incorporated the locals in the cover-up of the atrocities. Ethnic cleansing, by definition, is killing off an ethnic community or causing it.
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To flee its traditional place of residence for the Hot 7 Chicago Blackhawks Forever A Hawk Shirt purpose of creating an ethnically homogeneous population as a basis for claiming political control over the territory. So to see how far we have fallen from America’s past achievement orientation, let us compare a Senator from the early 1820s. Andrew Jackson, with the proposed appointee from New York, Caroline Kennedy. In 1817 Jackson led a campaign against the Seminole and Creek Indians. Then having been ordered to prevent runaway slaves from going to Florida, Jackson invaded Florida, resulting in calls for his censure. Using the invasion as a pretext. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams negotiated the Adams-Onis treaty with Spain, whereby Spain ceded Florida to the US. In 1822 the State of Tennessee elected Jackson to the US Senate.
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